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Creation Care: Practicing Love-Practical Seeds for Change

Fri 2 PM | Convo Hall 6
Sat Noon | Convo Hall 6

Creation Care Alliance of Western North Carolina

First Baptist Church of Asheville and The Creation Care Alliance of Western North Carolina will offer a hands-on look at a variety of practical ways small and large communities can address poverty, climate change, food resiliency, and creation care. This workshop will offer a variety of entrance points into the creation care conversation, whether you or your congregation are just getting started or are ready to mentor other congregations, this workshop will provide an opportunity to grow more deeply into caring for neighbors and creation. Creative local acts are critical for this time in human history. This workshop will illumine current and future ways to encourage creation care in your context.

Scott Hardin-Nieri

Scott Hardin-Nieri is partner, dad, spiritual director, pastor, and sojourner. He is the Director of the Creation Care Alliance of Western North Carolina and Associate Minister of Green Chalice of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Prior to living in North Carolina, Scott and his family served in the vulnerable cloud forest of Monteverde, Costa Rica. There he learned to how to climb Fig Strangler trees, spot Two-toed Sloths, call like a Mot Mot, and listen to people and nature in a new way. Scott is an ordained pastor with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and enjoys accompanying people during transformative experiences, whether during hikes, spiritual direction, wilderness quests, shared stories, service learning trips, live music concerts, camps or retreats. He continues to be reminded of his true self most clearly in the forests, oceans and deserts and seeks to invite others, particularly faith communities into conversations regarding creation.

219 Re-Member and Re-Imagine:Creation Care
265 Creation Care: A Practice of Love

Tommy Bratton

Rev. Tommy Bratton, Minister of Christian Formation, First Baptist Church, Asheville Tommy leads the spiritual formation ministry of the church, which seeks to explore the connection between faith and everyday life through spiritual practices, Bible study, theological reflection, creation care, and cultural engagement. Tommy enjoys reading, listening to classic country songs, playing ping pong, and watching sports.

265 Creation Care: Practicing Love

Brenda Denton

265 Creation Care: A Practice of Love

Marian Sadler

Marian Sadler is the Creation Care Team Leader of First Baptist Church of Asheville where she inspires her congregation to be creative regarding their faithful responses to the current ecological and social crises.

265 Creation Care: Practicing Love

Session #265